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An Alien Perspective -dcalien

Our lives may not be - on the same track

That is ok, so there is no trainwreck. I just feel that only one person at a time can drive a vehicle. Then again, I may find I change my mind about that later.

I am annoyed about the cat that is crying so loudly.

I do not know why I am, I guess I just never heard it before.

The z man has now exceeded the 1000 kmark, and everyone said he would break up and crash when he hit that baRRIER.

Well I guess that is why everyone is not right.

What makes you think that something is right cause many people think it is?

The eclectic rules and the majority drools.

Pablum is for babies with no self direction, not that there is anything wrong with that if it is your path.

I just cannot see myself being spoonfed from a menu I had not even read much less chosen from.

I predicted what the title of number 1000 would be about. Let us see if I am right.

If not, I can always edit this entry and appear to be psychic to those who are not aware of it, and psycho to those who are.

And what you ask, do I propose to do with this newfound newspeak power?

See, I even knew what question you would have foremost in your list of questions.

Well, patience, grasshopper.

Just as the Lotus is a gentle flower,

so is it an extreme machine.

One man's ceiling is another man's floor

One man's trash is another man's treasure

note to the politically correct, feel free to insert woman, or what ever other noun you prefer where i wrote man's.

Fulton's folly was not.

Nor was the purchase of Alaska a bad investment in retrospect.

And how many beads would it take to own Manhattan now?

So before one man's genius is another man's insanity becomes an issue...

Ask yourself this one question...

ok two questions or one with two parts...

How many things have you known for certain in your life only to discover later that you were incorrect?

How many of the beliefs you hold now will you discover at a later date to be incorrect?

My call to arms is not to one of total rejection of being dogmatic...

Only one of being aware that few truths in this world are absolute.

ps Bonus question for those teeming masses yearning to breathe free...

How many of your beliefs were born in the mind of another, and coerced/indoctrinated into your core, and not of your own logical or empirical discovery?

Hold onto beliefs only so tightly that they may be released from your minds fingers when they are discovered to be only bitter inaccuracies.

In fact leave little gaps between the fingers so every once in awhile they may be examined from a position of neutrality.

It is one thing to look only for the facts that support theories when those theories affect one's own life.

When they affect the lives of others, why not search only for truth as opposed to supporting evidence.

Life is not a trial, unless that is what your judicial self desires.

Could it not be a journey of discovery?

ps. I wrote this to me. I have not the time to worry about what you do with yours.

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