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An Alien Perspective -dcalien

Mess with the best - die like the rest

One flu over the cuckoo's nest

I'm hot blooded check it and see

I gotta fever of a hundred and three

Is your number still 911

Look at all the damage you've done

A fire started from a little spark

Time to put this body in park

Those ears are ringin

Yet I cannot answer

The skin is stingin

Like a fire dancer

In the mouth a taste of metal

Legs with strength of flower petals

And what to my wondering eye should appear

the realization of some distant fear

A wakeup call from deep within

Like waking in a foreign skin

Eye color changed from blue to red

I think it's time to go to bed.

I may not be smokin' yet I think I'm on fire

I drew first blood with such desire

I cannot wait to reach round two

So round one's over thought I knew

Did I say hot? No make that cold

I feel so alive no longer old

What is that creeping up my neck

I think I may have had a wreck

Beneath the waves the titanic's gone

Hey we don't care, the band played on

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