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An Alien Perspective -dcalien

Awareness I find - seeking it or not.

I have rarely been happier about having this hmmm log, journal, diary. haha I have no idea what to call it.

Supposedly it is common knowledge that most heterosexual men prefer to call these things journals. The reason being that diary sounds like something a gay man, or a girl/woman would keep.

Why I am so late in even hearing about common knowledge issues, escapes me. The fact that common knowledge as it is called, often feels like ignorance or fear when I try it on, well once again, why? I have no idea.

I could care less if someone thinks I am or am not gay. Shouldn't be that hard to determine if It is so important to know.

I like diary because it seems like common, and I find that strange as usually common is not what I would seek out.

Journal sounds pretentious to me, coming out of my mouth. So I may use that sometimes if I feel like being pretentious. Ha ha Ok, maybe on other occasions as well.

Log, sounds so much like two structured things that I like very much. Now log, sounds like a record to me. I like the idea of log keeping in the military context. I like the idea of log keeping in the context of lab research.

Sometimes my other hmmmm shall I say journal? Ya, let me call it that for now. Alien Perspective, is sometimes very much an in depth look at the inside of me. Sometimes, it is like the emporers' new clothes to me. Especially when I am told how wonderful it is.

While I would like to capitalize on random outcomes of sentences I put together and claim it is all part of a master plan in writing....

That would rarely be the case. And if I start fooling you, oooh.... I will probably buy the new clothes concept myself. Ya, if I fool you, some little loss somewhere maybe. If I fool me, ouch.

Now great things can be learned from simple words. Even words produced by someone who does not hold the truths discovered in those words.

So anytime someone says how deep something is I write, I am not saying they are like those who claim to see the clothes that are not there. I just hope I remember the credit goes to the beholder for exploring themselve, and not to me as some sort of yoda figure.

Ya, I want to be the child when it comes to the Emporers' new clothes. I want to see past the bullshit, and actually see what I see. Not what someone wants me to see.

Well very cool, sometimes I do see. And sometimes I just make the stinking pile bigger, covering the nakedness of the situation.

That will be all, Dave. Yeah, I hate it when I just go on and on. Did I say hate? Did I say hate out loud? Is it too late to take it back?

Did I go too far this time?

hmmm common wisdom....maybe not the emporers'.

Disclaimer: Any and all mention of emporer is not intended to refer in any way to my favorite emporer (Beth).

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