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An Alien Perspective -dcalien

And now a word from - the battlefield.

Do I infect the minds of others with my words, because of the disease that spreads through mine?

Do I poison others because I am full of poison?

Do I live with self-loathing because I am petty and afraid the charade I project will be uncovered?

Oh, wait...

That is not me.

It is of you I speak.

Ha ha...Was I talking to you?

I didn't think so.

Do you spread peace with the things that you say?

Do you find the good mixed in with the evil?

Do you seek to encourage and build rather than tear down?

Oh, wait...





I hope that is you.

I hope that is me too.

I can turn my hopes into actions.

Can you say me too, boys and girls?

I knew you could.

Let me make your choices.

You can decide my decisions.

Teamwork makes the dream work.

Or is anarchy the engine that powers your island?

Kill em all and let god sort em out?

Think of peas.

Peas of mined.

Let's make a mind field.

A field of peas.

If our own little personal wars were on CNN, which side would we be on?

Back to you...

Was I talking to you?

Yeah, I thought so.

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