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An Alien Perspective -dcalien

Eminem says...not to be - confused with Simon says.

I'm sorry momma. I never meant to make you cry.

Oh I forgot, I didn't. Wow, what on earth brings all that on?

Could it be that sometimes assumptions are wrong?

Would finding out the facts be informative?

Or do I just like the story so well that I don't want it written any other way?

When jumping to conclusions, always remember it matters where you come down.

Before I accuse you...take a look at myself. Must I condemn what I dislike in myself?

If the world was what I made it, would it be an ugly maliscious place, or would it be a place of tolerance and understanding?

What's that? You say I cannot make the world?

I can make my part of it. Unless of course I let you make it for me.

I think I will keep the keys to my part. You may not have my best interests in mind.

Oh, and feel free to keep control of yours, unless you care not to. Yeah, I guess that would be your choice.

Is it not mine?

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