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An Alien Perspective -dcalien

It's only water it can - clean. It can drown.

Deep inside the rain drop

exists another world.

Electrons circling nuclei.

Creatures far different from humans dwell there.

As alien to me as I am to them.

Deep in the city

exists another world.

Creatures circling dreams.

As alien to outsiders as outsiders are to them.

Alien as I make them.

Alien as I let me be.

The further I look inside the drop...

the more they seem like me.

If I look far enough...

the dna reveals more similarity than difference.

When I look at the surface of a rain drop

I see a mere reflection of me.

It is not me.

It is my image reflected back at me.

When I look deep within the rain drop

I see only a reflection of you...

if the surface tension can be broken

then maybe I can see the real you.

Deep inside the raindrop

exists another world.

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